Clash of clans dragon strategies
Clash of clans dragon strategies

clash of clans dragon strategies

  • Dragons attack everything and can get hung up on high H.P.
  • Use a Grand Warden for Rage and Freeze Spells.
  • Send in Balloons first to take out Archer Towers, so you don’t lose a 20-troop capacity Dragon.
  • Make sure to hit the Town Hall early on during scouting missions.
  • Dragons are powerful but go down fast when facing a full-HP Tower Hall.
  • You can also use a few Dragons to create a funnel opposite the Queen charge.
  • Create pathing for the Dragons by using a Queen charge to weaken one side of the defenses and a King on the other.
  • The Dragon’s chain attacks let you destroy more bases faster. The strategy and troop movements are a lot like that of the Miners because Dragons attack everything as well. Thanks to the 300-HP buff the Dragons got in the recent re-balancing, this attack strategy roars to the third spot at Town Hall 12.
  • A rage spell isn’t required, but you can use it on fortified areas of the base.
  • Use a Stone Slammer to attack another section so the Miners can focus on attacking Multi Infernos.
  • clash of clans dragon strategies

  • Miners will attack everything, even trash structures, and are susceptible to splash damage.
  • Creating two funnels is critical for success.
  • Attack two sections of the base using a Queen charge on one side and a King on the other.
  • This strategy creates pathing for the Miners, allowing them to come straight down the middle.
  • Are you worried about the Town Hall, Gigabomb, or the Tornado Trap? Miners will duck under them. Miners attack everything in sight – even enemy Queens not accessible to your kill squad. For comparison, Hog Riders and Balloons only target defensive structures. Miners can tunnel under structures, avoid damage, and hit targets. If you like sneaky attacks, you’ll love using this strategy.
  • Use a Freeze Spell and Bats to take out areas with Wizard Towers and Multis while the P.E.K.K.A.
  • Make sure that your Wall Wrecker runs through the Town Hall.
  • to create a funnel that will allow you to push with your main pack.
  • You have to be strategic when choosing the right entry point when using the P.E.K.K.A.
  • Once inside, they can take out the majority of splash damage. Your focus should be to enter the main war base while maintaining the pathing of the P.E.K.K.A. P.E.K.K.A.s have a 25-troop capacity, and you can use them to funnel even in tricky areas. Recent balance changes aside, this attack strategy still packs a punch for Town Hall 12.

    clash of clans dragon strategies

    We’ll show you the top five town hall 12 attack strategies guaranteed to get you that coveted three stars.Īre you ready? Let’s do this! Number 5: The P.EK.K.A BoBat. If you’re tired of licking your wounds, read on. Reaching the upper echelons of TH12 means tougher opponents ready to send your attacking forces packing.

    Clash of clans dragon strategies